Monday, November 9, 2015


It's been a while since I posted an update, but things have been a bit crazy lately.

Nearly two months ago I received my first set of trays. They require a bunch of attachments to help move the teeth. The attachments are transparent, so they are almost invisible when the trays are off. One has to really pay attention to notice them. The trays are very delicate and nearly invisible, except for bubbles of saliva that get under them sometimes.
I also got a bunch of additional "buttons" with rubber and wire pieces to help with the teeth motion. That took me by surprise, I was hoping for no more sore spots in my mouth. These are little springs over the space of the removed bicuspid  on one side and a rubber band across the right side from top canine to bottom molar to increase the tension on the canine. The rubber band has to be replace every hour to keep the tension (ok...., at best I do it every 2-3 hours). I have been back to the office twice already, to reattach the buttons that came of... Make sure you point out where your crowns are, the crown has to be prepped for the glue and the assistants forget to do that.
At the moment I am on tray 4. The first three I replaced every 10 days, but with the AcceleDent the teeth move much faster, so the doctor agreed I can replace them every 7 days. It hurts for the first 2-3 days, but then is just fine. I put the tray in the evening, treat it with AcceleDent and go to bed. This way it is not too bad in the morning.

I use Retainer Brite cleaning tablets every 3 days or so to keep the trays clean. It works ok for residue, but does not get rid of discoloration. I am addicted to tea, so my trays get yellow quickly, but I prefer that than giving up tea. It's cold right now where I live and winter is coming, so I will not stick to water for that!

And here is the current picture of my teeth. I can see much difference, but people that don't see me daily did notice some motion... You can see the rubber band on the right (as well as some attachments that look like little bumps) and the button on the right.

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