Thursday, September 3, 2015

Wires came off!

The orthodontist removed the wires couple days ago, the canines moved by about a third of the space of the removed bicuspids. You can see the space in front of the canines in the pictures.
During the visit a nurse took a scan of my teeth for the Invisalign. It took a while to take a photo of each surface of each tooth, with a bit bulky device that keeps blinking and beeping inside your mouth. But the effect was amazing! A 3D image of my teeth! Now I have to wait for 5 weeks to get my trays. In the meantime, I have to wear a retainer to ensure the teeth don't move while I am waiting. Otherwise the trays won't fit.
The pictures below were taken with the retainer on. It feels a bit bulky and gives me a bit of a lisp, but the pictures convinced me that it isn't that visible. One note: if you get a retainer like this, make sure you have the retainer removing tools like these at hand:
I already broke two nails when taking this thing off and my tools don't ship till next week!

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