Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The preparations

After many years of debating what type of braces would be an option for me I finally found the answer. Invisalign. It was the only option due to my job (I am an assistant professor). Teaching undergraduates and giving talks at meetings and conferences basically excluded any visible type of braces for me.
After doing some research, I found an orthodontist that specializes in Invisalign treatment and decided to give it a go.

First visit was a consultation, a lot of measurements of my teeth taken, their condition assessed and a verdict: I am a good candidate for Invisalign... after removing couple teeth and an initial treatment with partial wire braces on the top jaw. In my situation there is simply not enough space for all the teeth and I have to get rid of the top bicuspids to make space for the rest.

Two weeks later I am without teeth #5 and #12, but with a lisp that I didn't expect to be that bad. Hopefully I will get used to extra spaces in my mouth and get over the lisp soon.

Now I need to wait till next week, to let the gums heal a bit and I will get my partial wire braces. Just mounted on the canines, the second bicuspids and first molar. Should be almost invisible. Let's see how it turns out.

The bottom jaw will go directly into Invisalign at the same time the top does.

Here is a picture of the current status of my teeth:

This is after the extraction of the bicuspids, it's barely noticeable that they are missing. If it wasn't for the lisp.

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