Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Game on!

I got my partial closing wire braces today. It's a spring-like wire around the extraction site that will exert constant force on the canines for the next eight weeks pulling them to the back.
The pictures below show the structure of the wire:

 It is barely visible from the front (I have to pull the lips up quite a bit for the braces to show), but they stick out to the front a bit bothering the inside of my lips, not so much the cheeks in the back, though.

At the beginning it was a bit painful, now after several hours the canines are a bit sensitive, but it is bearable.

UPDATE: About 5 hours after the braces were placed, a bracket on the left second bicuspid came loose... Luckily it is the middle one, so it is not bothering me, but I can feel the tension on that side is reduced. This happened 30 minutes after the doctor office closed... Will call them first thing in the morning to set up an appointment and fix it.

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